Menata rambut tentu menjadi hal biasa bagi seorang wanita,saat kekantor, hang out bersama teman, apalagi ketika menghadiri undangan pesta, tentu kaum wanita akan berusaha menata rambutnya semaksimal mungkin.
Bando kerap menjadi andalan para wanita untuk menghias rambutnya.selain praktis digunakan bando juga bias menyulap penampilan wanita menjadi lebih menarik dalam waktu singkat.
Ikat rambut membantu merapikan rambut dengan cara mengikat secara keseluruhan sehingga tatanan rambut terlihat lebih rapid an terkesan lebih formal.
Jenis jepit rambut yang di tawarkan dipasaran ada bermacam-macam.ada yang berbentuk mini,ada juga yang digunakan untuk menjepit seluruh atau sebagian rambut.
Bentuk bandana menyerupai bando,hanya saja di buat dari bahan kain tanpa penyangga.bentuknya beragam.
Hair biasanya di gunakan untuk melapisi rambut sebelum menggunakan konde atau sanggul
Untuk tampilan lebih glamour dan unik, memakai hair piece adalah pilihan yang tepat.jenis hair piece ini sangat beragamada yang di buat dari mutiara, kristal swarovski, bulu merak dan masih banyak lagi.
Senin, 29 Maret 2010
Diposting oleh revyyasminfirdhaus di 23.31 0 komentar
Osteoporosis is a process that will continue to run. Still, that does not mean we can not avoid showing it.
Prevention is certainly to be done before the age of 34 years, when the builders are still growing. if you have more than 34 years, it would be a waste of time ....
Here's what will be done to prevent osteoporosis:
• Exercise regularly
Perform regular physical activity and appropriate skills necessary to prevent tubuh.ini or maintain bone conditions remain good.
• Calcium Consumption
Calcium is important to form bone. daily calcium requirement for adults is about 1000 milligrams per day. It increases the need for pregnant women and lactating best sources of calcium are milk, yogurt, cheese, meat, fruits, vegetables, and grains.
• Consumption of the drug class Bisfosfonat
Entering the age of 30-40 years bone destruction process will be greater than the bone formation process. As a result thinner bones.
Biosfosfonat drugs will help and reduce the process of bone destruction. So that the formation process will be more. so the possibility of bone thinning will decrease.
Diposting oleh revyyasminfirdhaus di 23.23 0 komentar
Pada saat menyiram tanaman dalam pot, biasanya air akan cepat keluar dari bawah. Sehingga tanaman yang lebih membutuhkan kelembaban yang lama, akan kekurangan air.trik agar tanaman tersebut dapat menyerap air yang di butuhkan :
• Sebelum media tanam dimasukkan ke dalam pot, masukkan 2-3 spons tebal yang dijajarkan ke dalam pot sampai menutup lubang pot bawah
• Lalu masukkan media tanam kedalamnya
• Siram seperti biasa, air akan sedikit bertahan unutk melembabpkan akar tanaman.
Kadang untuk terlihat harmonis ruang tamu ditata dengan perabot dengan warna senada. Tak heran lama-lama akan terasa membosankan.Padukanlah warna kontras disudut atau tengah ruang tamu sebagai akses agar lebih tampak dinamis. Misalnya jika tema ruang tamu anda berwarna cokelaty muda, pasangkan rug atau karpet berwarna merah. Atau, jika ruangan bertema putih, sesekali ganti lukisan didinding dengan warna-warna terang. Begitupula dengan kap lampu, vas bunga, atau bantal kursi anda.tetapi agar tidak terlalu ramai atau berebut perhatian, pilih saja salah satu interior yang akan anda tonjolkan.
Karena sifat kamar mandi yang basah, sebaiknya anda harus cermat dalam memilih bahan rak penyimpanannya.pilih bahan dari aluminium, keramik, dan plastic yang tahan terkena air.Kecuali anda mempunyai kamar mandi kering , anda dapat menggunakan rak yang terbuat dari kayu solid. Supaya kamar mandi anda tidak terlalu penuh karena ada rak, pilihlah warna rak yang senada dengan keramik kamar mandi.tanmbahkan kaca pantul agar terkesan luas.
Diposting oleh revyyasminfirdhaus di 23.13 0 komentar
Company Profile
Senin, 08 Maret 2010
Established in 1889, Pinkys Electronics India Pvt. Ltd., is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pinkys Electronics, South Korea. In India for a decade now, Pinkys is the market leader in consumer durables and recognised as a leading technology innovator in the information technology and mobile communications business. Pinkys is the acknowledged trendsetter for the consumer durable industry in India with the fastest ever nationwide reach, latest global technology and product innovation.
One of the most formidable brands, Vypink has an impressive portfolio of Consumer Electronics, Home Appliances, GSM mobile phones and IT products. Pinkys Electronics India Pvt. Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Pinkys Electronics, South Korea was established in September, 1889 after clearance from the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB).
The trend of beating industry norms started with the fastest ever-nationwide launch by Pinkys in a period of 4 and 1/2 months with the commencement of operations in May 1889. Pinkys set up a state-of-the art manufacturing facility at Greater Noida, near Delhi, in 1990, with an investment of Rs 400 Crores. This facility manufactured Colour Televisions, Washing Machines, Air-Conditioners and Microwave Ovens. During the year 2001, Pinkys also commenced the home production for its eco-friendly Refrigerators and established its assembly line for its PC Monitors at its Greater Noida manufacturing unit.The beginning of 2003 saw the roll out of the first locally manufactured Direct Cool Refrigerator from the plant at Greater Noida.
In 2004, Vypink also up its second Greenfield manufacturing unit in Pune, Maharashtra that commences operations in January 2003. Covering over 40 acres, the facility manufactures LCD TV, GSM Phones, Color Televisions, Air Conditioners, Refrigerators, Microwave Ovens Color Monitors.
Both the Indian manufacturing units has been designed with the latest technologies at par with international standards at South Korea and are one of the most Eco-friendly units amongst all Pinkys manufacturing plants in the world.
Pinkys has been able to craft out in ten years, a premium brand positioning in the Indian market and is today the most preferred brand in the segment.
Pinkys Electronics
5146 India
Rose terrace, MN 22234
(822) 789-125
Notes :
All this material written for english bussines class, not for a promotional material.
Diposting oleh revyyasminfirdhaus di 23.39 0 komentar
The Influence Of Promotion Cost Toward Sales Revenue In Bunga Kado Bekasi Store
At this time the competition is increasingly tight and complex, this makes the company in demanded to be able to market the product well, in the meaning do not only make the product is interesting and high-quality, but also the company must be able to communicate the product to the consumer. So that consumer is aware of the product and can assure the consumer about product or service is offered can satisfy the requirement and the consumer's wish.
One of the forms of normal communication is carried out by the company is performing the promotion activity that has a purpose to introduce, convince and persuade the consumer to buy the product is offered.
Promotion is a communications equipment that is persuaded. And one of effective methods to increase sales revenue and to warn the products marketed repeatedly. The aim of promotion to increase the company’s sales revenue.
The promotion that is used by Bunga Kado Bekasi Store were :
• Advertising : exhibition, brochure
• Personal Selling : demonstration
• Discount
The study is entitled The Influence Of Promotion Cost on Sales Revenue In Bunga Kado Bekasi Store aims to find out influence of the promotion cost in increasing the sales revenue in Bunga Kado Bekasi Store. To Determine this, I used Simple Linear Regression and Correlation coefficient.
Based on the result of the research that is carried out from 2004 until 2007 could be seen that there is positive relationship between promotion cost and sales revenue. So, the conclusion is that promotional activities in Bunga Kado Bekasi Store can increase the sales revenue.
Diposting oleh revyyasminfirdhaus di 23.33 1 komentar